About Us

Lomini Ltd. was established in the beginning of 1992 as a private company in Sofia, Bulgaria.

The scope of business activities of our company includes: sales, technical support, technical and methodological consultations, prophylactics, calibration in the field of safety, security and law enforcement equipment.


Lomini Ltd. offers complete solutions for the purposes of Law-enforcement, Border and Customs control, Civil defense, Military, Fire and Rescue, Airports. The result of our work and close co-operation with our partners is the successful implementation of products and services on projects in a number of governmental agencies.


The service center of Lomini Ltd. has highly-qualified and well-trained staff responsible for the installation and service of the equipment. In Lomini Ltd. we always emphasize on the customer training and on-site support.

Lomini Ltd. consultants are former Police and Military officers as well as technical experts from technical institutes, who add their expertise to the overall product/service portfolio provided to the end-user.

Anti-corruption policy

LOMINI adheres to a policy of zero tolerance of corruption and that of strict compliance with national and international laws and industry sector rules to prevent bribery and corruption.

Privacy Policy

LOMINI Ltd. is committed to the highest standards of data privacy and will only use your information for clearly described purposes and in accordance with applicable law and your data protection rights.This policy clarifies the most important terms and processes that we use for the protection of your personal data and answer the questions that you may have in connection with the collection, processing and storing of your personal data. For full information please use the following link: Privacy Policy